Millward Brown in Interbrand take-down...
Millward Brown and Euromonitor have joined forces in an audacious attempt to depose Interbrand as the king of brand league tables, aided and abetted by a cunning exclusive FT Special Report in today's paper (link here, but subscription only).
The Interbrand survey, which has been the gold standard of brand valuations since I can remember, last came put in July last year, so an early April launch outflanks them and gives them a competitor in one fell swoop.
The FT does a fair bit of comparing the two studies, but it's hard to mask the coup that Millward Brown have pulled off here in a global publication. MB is owned by WPP*, while Interbrand are belong to arch-rival, Interpublic.
* Disclosure: WPP has a stake in Harvard's parent company, Chime Communications.