My last 500 visits
Feel a bit like I'm going back to some basics at the moment. Listening to FIR regularly, picking up Yochai Benkler, rethinking the fundamentals and principles of the work I'm doing with social media and marketing.
So it's kind of nice to go back to the sort of posts and observations that I would make - and others would too - when.
I like history, because even more than the lessons that come from studying the past, it gives a broader perspective on now. And the more you know about he past, about how things were even a lifetime ago, about how much has changed so quickly the easier it is to retain a sense of child-like wonder, of awe really, at the world as it is today.
Stops you getting jaded, if you look at history the right way.
Anyway, here's a map of the locations of the last 500 people who visited the blog.
I got used to the global network view after a while. But I want to become not used to it again. It's amazing.
In the same vein, here's a screenshot of the astounding TwittEarth... (via Nilhan). A beautiful rendition of a simple mashup - the globe twirls round to show the location of a person who has just posted every few minutes.
Blog block unblocked with a vengeance! Welcome back mate!
Posted by: Mark Hanson | 22/04/2008 at 09:28
Mojo restored indeed! TwittEarth is sooo pretty. Do you find that looking at your blog analytics is a curious kind of digital pleasure? "How does your garden grow?" Well, globally and pretty fast thank you very much please :)
Posted by: CharlieOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohNo... | 23/04/2008 at 12:35
Heh heh - cheers, chaps...
Posted by: Antony Mayfield | 23/04/2008 at 18:17