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MySpace news aggregator

MySpace is planning a super-aggregator, from the sound of it taking lessons and models from the likes of Digg, Reddit and Tailrank. According to the FT:

The service, which could be announced as early as Thursday, effectively cedes editorial control of news selection to the MySpace user base and is the latest example of the company’s attempt to diversify into new areas.

MySpace started life as a site for people interested in posting and exchanging personal information. But as it has grown, new services have been bolted on and, like Google, the company now offers online video and instant messaging. Google also has a news aggregation service which pulls in content from thousands of different sources.

If it succeeds in attracting MySpace users to use and contribute to the service it would certainly become a major power in the distribution of news online and broker of attention for news-providers.

It would also be interesting to know what lessons are being learned about news and content distribution across networks by other parts of News Corp.

Aggregators, including search engines' services like Google News, are growing in importance for content and news providers everywhere.

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» MySpace prepara su propio Digg from www.negociame.com
MySpace está preparando su propio agregador de noticias al estilo de Digg o Menéame. Su principal objetivo es conseguir que sus usuarios empleen esta herramienta para proponer y votar noticias. [Read More]


Myspace news just isnt very good...try google news or congoo news instead

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