Blogs. Influence. Ripples.
Lovely ideogram here from the ever-stimulating Logic+Emotion of how to think about influencers in blog networks. Without delving too deeply the levels of links look about right as a rule of thumb but as the super-insightful Flemming Madsen would tell you, and then tell you again to make sure you understand: popularity and authority are very different things...
Thanks for blogging this - it's so timely for a presentation I'm giving this morning on why people need to network, in the web 2.0-y sense of the word. In fact, can you make it to Glasgow by 10am? ;-)
Posted by: Ewan McIntosh | 17/01/2007 at 06:56
Heh heh - I'm speaking in London otherwise I'd be there, sir - glad it was of help.
Posted by: Antony Mayfield | 17/01/2007 at 09:31