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Google's blog indexing timed (7 - 10 hours, it turns out)

* * UPDATED * *

Matthew Hurst at Data Mining has been timing how long it takes Google to index a blog post. His test shows 7 - 10 hours, which puts a way behind Technorati which can pick up a post within 5 minutes.

So Technorati good for monitoring then. But Google better for distribution being as it is a key part of web journeys for most people and contributes about a third of traffic to most sites I've looked at recently.

* Update *

I tried the experiment outlined on Data Mining. The post I put up at 8.05 a.m. was found at 9.24 a.m  - at 1 hour 19 mins that's a lot faster than the times in Matthew Hurst's test... wonder if it's because he web here is quieter on a Sunday morning...

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