All the Second Life stats you can eat...
First of a few posts based on notes from Le Web 3...
Glen Fisher, Marketing Director at Second Life had a hard time of it accessing the virtual world via Le Web 3's broadbnd connection - someone should have warned him ;-) - but he gave good value when it came to statistics. Here's some that I noted:
- 900 events are organised and held by users every day
- 43% of Second Life members are women
- The median age is 32
- 55% of users are outside of the US
- It's projectyed that for the whole of 2006 US $84 million of transactions will hve taken place in the world
- There are 7,000 businesses in the world
- The top ten businesses average a gross of US $25,000 and the top 100 US $ 6,300
- The top three areas of the Second Life economy are:
- Property
- Casinos and clubs
- Fashion
- There are 95 square miles of virtual land in play at the moment.