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Blogging boom slows (but continues)

Figures out from Technorati suggest that the boom in the number of blogs is slowing (the number now doubles every 258 days as opposed to every six months).

But slower growth is still big, big growth with the current number of blogs standing at 59.1 million with a hundred thousand new ones being tracked by Technorati every day.

One of the most interesting graphs in this latest report is the peaks in blogging activity over the past few months, showing that the biggest spikes are driven by major global news stories. The highest volume of blog posting ever was prompted by the Israeli-Lebanese conflict in July this year.

There's a ton more fun for data fans over at the Technorati blog.

Top work, Technorati people - thanks for the numbers.


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» On Birthdays, Blogs and British Newspapers from One Man & His Blog
It's my birthday today and, thanks to my lovely family, I've been far too busy playing with my brand new iPod and going out for lunch (unsuccessfully, but that's a story for tomorrow) to blog. But here's a handful of links, handily filtered with the a... [Read More]


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