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Web use overtakes newspapers in Europe

A study by JupiterResearch, a leading media and tech analyst firm, has found that for the first time Europeans are spending more time with the web than with newspapers and magazines.

According to Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson in the FT:

Print consumption has remained static at three hours a week in the past two years, as time spent online has doubled from two to four hours. Viewers are also spending more time watching television, up from 10 hours to 12 a week.

The Jupiter Research survey of more than 5,000 people in the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain shows that Europeans’ use of the internet is still behind the rates seen in the US. A similar study by Jupiter of US habits found that Americans now spend 14 hours a week online – as much time as they spend watching television – and just three hours reading print.

Mr Johnson goes on to point out that with broadband uptake spreading fast in Europe there's plenty more scope for people to be spending more time online in the future.

In France, where 79 per cent of online households have broadband connections, the typical user is online for five hours a week, compared with only three hours a week in Germany, which has a broadband penetration rate of 42 per cent.

: : NB: this story was from the FT. Couldn't find the original press release or information on the study from Jupiter. Shame.


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