BBC Editors not so sniffy about News Sniffer
I mentioned News Sniffer here just yesterday - a new website that tracks the BBC, Guardian and Independent for edits / censorship of their online news.
BBC News website editor Steve Hermann responds even-handedly on the BBC Editors blog to explain why changes are sometimes made and asks if the BBC should be publishing tracking of changes to its articles itself.
Nice attitude to the scrutiny to take it as a suggestion for being even more open. A lesson to us all - because defensiveness and protesting would not do any good at all here.
Once again, the BBC News brand is doing good things for its integrity with its blogging. Fair play to them.
Mr Hermann also helpfully points out that News Sniffer's monitoring of discussion boards might not be working properly yet. Which is nice of him.
: : No word back from News Sniffer yet about my suggestion for monitoring other media. But it was only yesterday. Will keep you updated on progress...