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Good news at Spannerworks - end of week two

End of week two at Spannerworks and its ending on two complementary high notes:

  • Spannerworks has been voted number one for search in the Revolution Agency Survey 2006  - and 4th overall digital agency in the UK. You read more about it on...
  • ...the Spannerworks blog, Search Sense, which has gone live this afternoon - which I am very much looking forward to posting on in the coming weeks along with other Spannerworkers.

Hurrah! x 2... :-)

I'll still be keeping up Open - very much so - although there may sometimes be some cross-posting when it's appropriate.


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Congratulations Antony. It must be party time in Brighton tonight (beats a drive round the M25 I'm sure!). And while I'm here, did you know that if you read Open on bloglines, your spiel still describes you as being at Harvard?

Search Sense looks very cool. Nice job.

Thanks, Niall and David. The development of the blog was to Paul Doleman, Spannerworks' new CTO, and Liquid Light, another Brighton company, by the way.

Thanks for the heads up on the Bloglines thing, David - I'll sort that, sir :-)

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