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"Like Bloomberg with blogs": the new Google Finance

The Google Finance launch yesterday stirred up a storm of comment on blogs (there's a list of some of the highlights at the foot of this post).

The service, which gives detailed financial news and information around companies listed on US markets (I would expect it to expand and for Euro versions to launch soon).

Most interesting of all is that as well as analyst reports, news releases and stats there is a box of rolling relevant articles on the company from blogs. How much longer before a Blogpulse-style tracking graph sits there too, displaying sentiment from social media conversations about a stock or brand? It's a possibility... Although some are saying the blog posts will have to be more up-to-the-minute to be really useful...

Steve Rubel, Edelman: Google Finance launches with blogs
Charlene Li, Forrester: Google Finance: Nice charts, but users won't switch quickly
Henry Blodget: Google Finance: Yawn (Updated: Wow)
Om Malik: Google Finance Disappoints


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