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BBC 2.0

Well, the BBC's at it again. Relentless innovation, that it is.

In stage with Bill Gates on Monday, Ashley Highfield the BBC's director of new media and technology, committed to a new wave of redevelopment to meet the opportunities of Web 2.0, amounting to an overhaul of the whole (massive) web site.

It's worth casting your mind back to the 90s, when the Web was young and just how brilliant the BBC was at setting the bar for quality in online news etc. Good to see them doing it again.

Fellow Hove-ite and head of innovation for BBC new media, Matt Locke has a  post over on Test is a nice perspective from the inside of the Beeb. As he says it gives cotext to the work he has been doing with BBC Innovation Labs, travelling the country to commission the hottest tech media talent to produce new services for the BBC to trial.

I say again, as well as keeping itself at the forefront of new media technology, the BBC is an innovation engine in the UK economy. It's efforts not only fulfill its brief as our national broadcaster, but it challenges, incites and nurtures development of this new media sector in the UK.

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